Month: May 2023

Tumu Hub’s Special Guests!

Today we were very lucky in Tumu Hub to have Mike King, Atlanta Lolohea, Di Hiini and people from I Am Hope come to visit us.

Mike read us a book called TR and Mack. It was about two special characters Mack and TR of course! TR is a truck that used to be a bully but he noticed that he no longer wanted to make people sad but happy. So TR changed his life so people wouldn’t be scared of him. Mack on the other side was a dog and got bullied himself. 

Can you guess who bullied Mack?

It was himself! He gathered all the bad things about him and thought about only those thoughts such as i’m ugly, nobody likes me, I bark too much. Mack built these thoughts up so much he thought other people thought that way about him. Now no more spoilers so if you want to read the book go buy it  or just search up Mike Kings book.


I think that Mike King is an inspiring person that wants to share his knowledge about Mental health which in my opinion is such an amazing person . It’s even better that he wants to help other people do the same thing! He also won NZ of the year in 2019.

Would you like it if Mike King and his team come to your school?




Spectacular Swimming!


Spectacular Swimming!

We have just finished two weeks of swimming lessons at Graham Condon.

The thing that I enjoyed the most this week was Wearing our Pajamas in the pool because we could bounce up and down and it felt like you were just floating for ages!

This week, we did a lot of water safety skills. Something that I have learnt is the river swim and this is important because if you perhaps get lost in a jungle or near a river and you fall in, you can do the river swim to protect your head from heavy rocks.

Something that I want to learn next time I have swimming lessons at school is how to get better at Breaststroke Because one of the things our instructor told us to do was Breaststroke and at that point I had never learnt how to do it.

Have you ever done Breaststroke? and if you have, do u find it easy or hard?