Category: Hanga | Create

Powerful Peace Art-Wk10

It’s the last week of term so I decided I’d try something new for RE. We’ve been doing a mini PBL since we finished our real one a while back. Our Focus is peace so I did a peace art work. Everyone’s done one but I wanted to do another one because my other one wasn’t the best. One of the reasons I chose this was because  we get to put them on the wall after.

My Piece of Art Work includes a ring of flower petals around the outside as a border and a peace symbol and peace fingers in the middle. Soon It will join the others on the wall.

Do you know a lot about peace? If so can you name 3 things peace means to you?

Malala Yousafzai

Welcome, for the last couple weeks we’ve been learning about different peacemakers and this week we did Malala Yousafzai she’s an inspiration to many. Malala Tells a unique story so lets start from the beginning.

Malala was born in 1997 Mingora, Pakistan on July 12th. In Pakistan it wasn’t a big celebration to have a girl but her father was determined to give her an educated life.

Malala’s father ran a girls school but it was soon shut down due to the Taliban entering. The Taliban entered her country, they began setting a large range of rules such as no music, and no television.

Malala soon spoke out for girls right to learn, Malala was determined to fight for the rightful education girls needed and weren’t getting. Malala wrote a blog under another’s name protesting for their rights. The Taliban stayed quiet for a while but then suddenly  bordered her bus on the way home from school. They asked “Who here is Malala?” Then Malala was shot on the left side of her head. She was rushed to multiple Hospitals and recovered after a while. Once she had fully healed she began protesting again, soon she won the Nobel peace prize and did something amazing she donated 500,000$ To build a girls school in Pakistan.



What would you do with 500,000 dollars?

Making Prayer Slides!

This week we made more prayer slides, now you may be thinking what on the world are prayer slides? Well this term we started making them basically it keeps us involved with our mornings, we get to customize our own slide with a max of 3 people. We get to choose a different type of prayer every time, this week my group contains Charlie-Mae and Claire.L we’ve decided to do coloring in while listening to Music.

My prayer slide is no.8

At your school do you help organise Prayers?

PBL Plays

The driving question for our PBL over Term 2 and part of this Term has been, “How can we as performing artists communicate positive messages to an audience?”

We learnt about The Arts, in particular the elements of Dance, Drama and Music. We read a number of fables or fairy tales and learnt about their positive message. We then took this learning and applied it to our own play writing script. 

In my group there was Niko, Cheyenne, and Micah. We planned out what our script, and fairy tale was going to be. Click here to see our planning document. 

Once we had planned our ideas, we started to write our playwriting script. The fairy tale or fable our script is based on is Sleeping Beauty the main idea is when the princess was young, a witch cast a sleeping spell on her . The positive message that we wanted the audience to take away was that a true Love’s Flower can make a princess awake . 

The Google Slide shows everyone’s performance in Tumu, my group’s performance is on slide 16

Something that I enjoyed about this project was that everyone came up with their own ideas and in it we’ve included input from everybody.

Something that I found challenging or would change about this project was that whenever we were fixed on an idea we came up with a new one and had to start over.

I am most proud of this project because I feel like I had a lot of impact on this work, and I’ve tried my hardest to include everyone’s ideas.

Have you ever done a play for PBL?

Blackout Poetry!

This week For writing we tried something new and because it was National Poem Week we tried out a new Form, We tried Blackout Poems! At first our writing teacher taught us a bit about them, soon after we were watching some videos on how to make them.

Step 1: Find some News Paper or find a piece of text.

Step 2: Find some words in the text and circle them.

Step 3: Black out all the rest of the words.

Step 4: Admire your work.

Please check out this slide! It even has an online Version of it.

Have you ever made an Blackout Poem?

Creating Our Own School Journal

A few weeks ago in Reading, we read a School Journal about Kaitaiki. There were 4 people who talked about an area they were passionate about and how they show kaitiaki to something. For example greenstone.

We had to then go away and write our own story about something we want to be kaitiaki of. We took photos and then created a 2 page spread on Canva to create our own School Journal.
Here is a copy of our Journal, enjoy reading our stories.
What would you like to be kaitaiki of?

Satisfying Science

Kia Ora Everyone, Over the last couple weeks we’ve been learning about science. On our first lesson we talked a bit about what we thought it would be like. Then we moved on to doing the experiment itself. We rotated around doing these two experiments.

No.1-Squishy Circuits. ( I did this one)

No.2-Torch Power.

Hypothesis – 

My hypothesis was that as soon as I connected the battery to the Clay It would immediately light the light bulb.

Materials used: 

  • Light Bulb
  • Clay
  • Battery
  • Playdough 
  • Wires


My hypothesis was incorrect because most of the time when we stuck the light bulb in it wasn’t lighting up. Soon after we realized that it was because the battery wasn’t fully in the play dough.

Something challenging was making different types of clay shapes, we tried making animals too. Such as Ducks, Bunnies, and octopus. 

Have you ever done a clay experiment?

RE- The Kingdom of Heaven

This week for gospel we read “The kingdom of heaven” Every week we read a new gospel then we do a Create task to match the topic. The Kingdom of God is mainly about Jesus explaining what Heavens like. Heaven can be anything you want, because no one knows exactly what it looks like. The slide below shows the gospel, our choice bored, and my create task.

Do you Like RE?

RE Sacraments

This week we were challenged to make something to inform younger students about what the Sacraments are. We were able to pick a partner to do this with or choose to do it on our own. In my case I picked to do it with Adriana one of my newest friends, we first wanted to design a picture book but in the end did little pan flits. These included a quiz on the back and more information on the front.

Click on the picture to see our pan flits. Maybe you can even try taking the quiz. We hope you like our work!

Do you think you would enjoy creating something to share?

Five Fantastic Fables

Hi Everyone, this week we have been focusing on the five fantastic fables! Fables are short stories that have to have a morel, a problem, and a solution.  Our teachers gave us a task to watch a video of a fable then once we finished it we needed to summarize the story, and fill in the blank spots. My favorite fable was The Ant and the Grasshopper because it sends an important message.

Flick through my slides to see what I wrote!

Do you have a favorite fable?